CM Manzoni S.r.L.
Via S.Barbara, 164 - 48034 Fusignano (RA) ITALIA
Tel. +39 0545 955841 Fax +39 0545 50199

P.IVA e C.F.: 01458130398
Capitale Sociale I.V. € 2.000.000 I.V.
R.E.A. Ravenna n. 160655

Information request

I accept the processing of my personal data in accordance with article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003.
Privacy: In compliance with the provisions of Italian Act 196/03, I hereby agree to my personal data being processed and kept confidential. Data processing, which I was assured will be kept confidential, is done in order to provide updates on projects and information about your company. My details will not be communicated or disclosed to any third party, and at any time and simply by sending a message to your e-mail address, I may require that they are modified, deleted or I may oppose to their use.

CM Manzoni S.r.l.
Via S.Barbara, 164
48034 Fusignano (RA)
Tel. +39 0545 955841
Fax +39 0545 50199

C.F. e P.IVA 01458130398
Capitale Sociale I.V. € 2.000.000 i.v.
R.E.A. Ravenna n. 160655
© Gruppo CM Manzoni 2015 - Tutti i diritti riservati | All rights reserved
© Gruppo CM Manzoni 2015
Tutti i diritti riservati | All rights reserved